
Week 4: The Holy Ghost

Song: Let the Holy Spirit Guide (H. 143)

Thought: "The ability to receive and act upon personal revelation is the single most important skill we can acquire in this life. With it we cannot fail; without it we cannot succeed." Julie B. Beck

Object Lesson: Explain that we have to learn to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost by paying attention to thoughts in our minds and feelings in our hearts. Place a coin in a glass jar and have a family member shake it. Let your family observe how clearly they can hear the sound. Have your family take turns adding spoonfuls of dirt, rice, sand, or cotton balls to the jar.  After each addition, have that family member shake the jar again, and let your family comment on how this affects the sound. Continue adding to the jar until you can no longer hear the coin. Liken this to the difficulty of listening to the Holy Ghost when our lives are filled with distractions or sin. Empty the jar and demonstrate how clearly the coin can be heard again. Testify that keeping the commandments and repenting of our sins help us hear the Holy Ghost. (Taken from the Primary Outline 2013-June Week 2)

Video: Voice of The Spirit As you watch this video invite your family to listen for answers to the following questions: Why do we need the Holy Ghost? How can the Holy Ghost help us? Share appropriate experiences you have had listening to the Holy Ghost and invite your family to share any experiences they have had. Discuss things we can do to better hear the promptings of the Holy Ghost. (Taken from here)

Lesson Activity:
For the younger members of your family have them color this page and discuss ways that they can invite the Spirit into their lives and your home through their actions.

For the readers in your family have them read the "Roles of the Holy Ghost" in True to the Faith (page 82). Have each family member select one of the Holy Ghost's roles and look for scriptures or scriptural stories that teach about that role. Invite your family to share with each what they have learned.

This Week's Challenge: Throughout the week challenge your family to tune out the noise of the world so that the Spirit can be felt and maintained in your home. Consider carefully what you choose to watch and listen to as well as what you choose to talk about and how you talk to one another throughout the week.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

LOVE this. Going to use it AND check out the rest of your posts. Great idea!!