
Week 22: What is the Priesthood?

Song: The Priesthood of Our Lord (H. 320)

Thought: The priesthood is the authority of God delegated to men on the earth to act in all things for the salvation of mankind (see Spencer W. Kimball, “The Example of Abraham,” Ensign, June 1975, 3). Priesthood is the means whereby the Lord acts through men to save souls. One of the defining features of the Church of Jesus Christ, both anciently and today, is His authority. There can be no true Church without divine authority. Ordinary men are given the authority of the priesthood. Worthiness and willingness—not experience, expertise, or education—are the qualifications for priesthood ordination. (Elder Bednar)

Object Lesson:  You'll need:  2 shoes with a shoelace; Put on the first shoe without the shoelace and walk around the room.  (You could even call on someone to help you...)  Then use the second shoe to show how much better the shoe fits when it is laced up and tied. (Demonstrate how it is much easier to walk around).
The priesthood is the binding force in the family and the Church.  Just as the lace enables us to walk more freely, the priesthood helps us to function effectively at home and at Church.  The priesthood gives us direction and order. (Priesthood Shoes)

Video: Power of God

Lesson Activity: Here is a coloring page for young ones you could use.

Aaronic Priesthood Activity
By Callie Buys
Even though boys in Primary aren’t old enough to hold the Aaronic Priesthood, they can prepare now to receive it. Both boys and girls can learn more about the Aaronic Priesthood and its responsibilities by helping the boy on this page get ready for church.

Carefully cut out the boy in the box on this page. Cut out the numbered squares. Look at the list of numbered questions below. The numbers on the squares match the numbered list of questions. The answer to the number of the question on the square is somewhere around the boy. When you find the right answer to the question, cover the answer with the square, picture side up. When you have answered all the questions, the boy will be dressed and ready to fulfill his Aaronic Priesthood duties.

1. Joseph Smith and _________________ ordained each other to the Aaronic Priesthood. (See JS—H 1:66–71.)
2. Who conferred the Aaronic Priesthood on these two men? (See JS—H 1:72.)
3. What day, month, and year did they receive the Aaronic Priesthood? (See JS—H 1:68–69, 72.)
4. At what age can a young man receive the Aaronic Priesthood?
5. Offices in the Aaronic Priesthood include bishop, priest, teacher, and _________ . (See D&C 20:67, D&C 84:30.)
6. Members of the _________ quorum administer the sacrament and can perform baptisms. (See D&C 20:46.)
7. Members of the __________ quorum “watch over the church” and “see that all members … do their duty.” (See D&C 20:53–55.)
8. The ____________ is the head of the Aaronic Priesthood in each ward. (See D&C 107:13–15.)

This Week's Challenge: If there are Priesthood holders in your home encourage them to find opportunities this week to use their Priesthood to serve/bless in your family. Encourage other members of your family to take advantage of that service/those blessings in order to be strengthened and uplifted. Be prepared to share with your family next week experiences you may have had throughout the week.
If there are no Priesthood holders in your home discuss as a family ways that you can think of that you can still be served by Priesthood holders and receive blessings. Think of some specific Priesthood holders who can help you and find an opportunity to invite them to serve your family.

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