
Week 26: Ordinances and Covenants

Song: The Fourth Article of Faith (CS. 124)

Thought: An ordinance is a sacred act, such as baptism, that is performed by the authority of the priesthood. The ordinances of baptism, confirmation, Melchizedek Priesthood ordination (for men), the temple endowment, and temple sealing are required for exaltation for all accountable persons. These are called the saving ordinances. As part of each saving ordinance, the recipient makes covenants with God. (Handbook of Instruction)

Object Lesson: To show that ordinances and covenants are inseparable, display a coin. Then ask which side of the coin is more important. (Neither side is more important.) Ask learners if they can separate the sides of the coin. Then explain that ordinances and covenants are inseparable, just as the two sides of a coin are inseparable. Also point out that ordinances and covenants are necessary for admission into God's presence, just as coins are sometimes needed for admission to events. (Source: Teaching, No Greater Call, F: Methods of Teaching, Comparisons and Object Lessons) [Ordinances and Covenants are Inseparable]

Video: Faith in Power of the Priesthood

Lesson Activity:

Show a picture of the people of Ammon burying their weapons. Ask a family member to briefly tell the story of the people of Ammon and the covenant they made (see Alma 53:10–18; 56:5–8). Why did the people choose to keep their covenants despite the danger they faced? How did their example influence their enemies? How did it influence their children? Invite each family member to share the name of a person who has taught him or her through example about keeping covenants. Ask them to share with the family what they learned from that person.

Get a shoe box or other small cardboard box. Have each family member write on a piece of paper something that has been a "weapon of war" in their life that they are going to now covenant to change.Place each of the papers in the box and then bury the box outside somewhere.

This Week's Challenge: Remind your family of the personal covenants that they have each made in their lives and encourage them to focus on these covenants this week and strive to live them more fully.

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