
Week 33: Family History

Song: The Hearts of the Children (CS. 92)

Thought: President Howard W. Hunter taught: “We must accomplish the priesthood temple ordinance work necessary for our own exaltation; then we must do the necessary work for those who did not have the opportunity to accept the gospel in life. Doing work for others is accomplished in two steps: first, by family history research to ascertain our progenitors; and second, by performing the temple ordinances to give them the same opportunities afforded to the living. (The Joy of Redeeming the Dead)

Object Lesson: Start by your family, "Now who REALLY loves chocolate?  I'm not talking about just liking chocolate, who L-O-V-E-S chocolate?"  Have some chocolate sitting on the edge of the table.  Then tell the person that volunteered that the chocolate is theirs, the only thing is....they can't use any of their body to get to the chocolate.  Otherwise, it's theirs!  The person is left not knowing how to get the chocolate.

After a moment, ask your family, "Who would like to feed so-and-so this chocolate in exchange for him/her doing your chores tomorrow?"  Call on someone to come and put the chocolate in the first volunteers mouth.  Thank both volunteers and let them be seated.

Then discuss the above activity a bit further.  Help them realize that the first volunteer (our ancestors) REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want their work done, but they can't.  WHY?  They no longer have a body (which is why they can't use any part of their body to touch the chocolate).  However, worthy members of the church (2nd volunteer) help by attending the temple and doing the work for them.  In exchange for this, the Lord blesses us for our service (clean house, whatever blessings He sees fit....).  (She Really Wants the Chocolate!)

Video: The Spirit of Elijah

Lesson Activity: Ahead of time download the software for indexing on your family computer. Spend some time before FHE familiarizing yourself with it and be ready to teach your family how to use it. During FHE set a timer and see how many names your family can index. This activity can be extended throughout the week if you would like to set up a "competition" among family to see who can index the most names. If you choose to do this make sure you set up some rules and have a time schedule for the computer so that everyone gets a chance to participate who wants to!

Young children may not find this activity of any interest so you may consider the following: Grandma's Trunk or Family History ABC's.

This Week's Challenge: Encourage your family to check out the LDS website: Youth and Family History. Challenge your family members to begin researching your family history and become familiar with all the resources that the LDS church has to offer.

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