
Week 39: Language

Song: Choose the Right Way (CS. 160)

Thought: "...in this long eternal quest to be more like our Savior, may we try to be “perfect” men and women in at least this one way now—by offending not in word, or more positively put, by speaking with a new tongue, the tongue of angels. Our words, like our deeds, should be filled with faith and hope and charity, the three great Christian imperatives so desperately needed in the world today. With such words, spoken under the influence of the Spirit, tears can be dried, hearts can be healed, lives can be elevated, hope can return, confidence can prevail." Elder Holland

Object Lesson: Items needed: Original Oreo cookie (one for each volunteer)
What to do: Have someone volunteer to help you out.  Give them a chocolate Oreo
cookie with white frosting in the middle.  Have them twist off the top. Tell everyone that when good (uplifting, clean, correct....) words are used, it is like eating the white part of the cookie.
Have the volunteer then scrape off the frosting and eat it.  Then have them smile big for your family. There will be no discoloration.
Then tell the family that when they choose to use words that are profane, vulgar, demeaning, .... it is like eating the dark cookie. Have the volunteer eat the chocolate part of the cookie (both sides), then smile big. Their teeth will be stained dark.  Not so attractive! This is like their reputation; like their soul..... It becomes stained and unattractive. (Object Lesson on Profanity by Debra Storm)


Lesson Activity: Talk to your family about how the things we say affect those around us. Remind them how much power is in our words. As a family decide what words are currently being heard in your home that have the power to uplift and show love. Make a list of these words to display in a prominent place in your home to remind all what language we should be using. Make a separate list of things that are the "trash" words that need to no longer be used in your home. Once the list is complete crumple it up and throw it away. Remind your family that those words/that language has no place in your home and eliminates the Spirit.

Write on the board “If a man can control his tongue, he can control ________.” Invite your family to search James 3:2–10 and fill in the blank. Assign each family member to read one of the analogies used by James (horse bit, verses 2–3; ship, verse 4; forest fire, verses 5–6; poison, verses 7–8; pure fountain, verses 10–11). Invite them to prepare to teach the rest of the family what their analogy teaches about controlling their speech. Invite them to share what they can do to control their speech.

This Week's Challenge: Encourage each member of your family to join the No Cussing Club and challenge your family to watch what they say this week and how they say it. See what happens to the Spirit of your home when language and word choice is better controlled!

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