
Week 42: Service

Song: I'm Trying to be Like Jesus (CS. 78)

Thought: As we extend our hands and hearts toward others in Christlike love, something wonderful happens to us. Our own spirits become healed, more refined, and stronger. We become happier, more peaceful, and more receptive to the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

Object Lesson: You will need two candles. Light one of the candles and then talk about the brightness of the flame. Ask your family if it will hurt that flame to light another candle. Take the other candle and light it by using the first. Point out to your family that the first candle burns brighter as it is lighting the other candle. Compare the fact that a candle loses nothing by lighting another to what it is like for us when we give service to others.


Lesson Activity: Have each member of your family use the topical guide of their scriptures to find a scripture about service and the Savior. Invite them to each share their scripture and what they have learned about the service from the example of the Savior.
Talk about ways that your family can do secret acts of service for each other and those around them. Prepare the following secret service activity and help your family to come up with ideas ways to serve.

This Week's Challenge: Challenge your family to complete the secret service activities this week and observe how increased service affects the love felt in your home.

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