
Week 19: Scripture Study

Song: Scripture Power (The Friend, Oct. 1987)

Thought: Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do. (2 Ne. 32:3)

Object lesson: Sprinkle baby powder on the page under the front cover of your Book of Mormon or Bible before Family Home Evening. Keep the book closed. When you pull out your scriptures, open the cover and blow off the baby powder (this looks like dust). Explain to your family that it is important that we do not let dust gather on the scriptures. We should be studying from them daily and feasting upon the words that past prophets have recorded. (From here)

Video: The Book of Mormon: Messages from Heaven

Lesson Activity:
If your family is large enough/old enough consider playing this game of Scripture Taboo.

For younger children consider having them try to complete puzzles of scripture stories or online coloring pages of the scripture stories from The Friend.

Invite your family to read the first 14 paragraphs of Elder Richard G. Scott’s talk “The Power of Scripture.” Ask them to look for blessings that come from studying the scriptures. When have they experienced these blessings in their lives? (Come, Follow Me)

This week's challenge: If consistently reading the scriptures together as a family has been a struggle consider having your challenge be to set a goal to read together every day for a month and then go from there. Alternatively, if family scripture reading is already happening consistently (go you!) then focus on challenging everyone in your family to study their scriptures personally more in depth than they have been. Either meaning actually doing it or keeping a study journal as they go to record what they learn.

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